p5js + word2vec ML model
A poem generator that mixes words like paint on a palette. The machine learning model powering this piece was removed due to this work.
Imagine you could alter language as simply as you mix paints on a palette. Using a neural network-trained language model, we can add one word to another, changing it to something new. Close to Red is a tool that invites you to mix a random word with a color word, capturing your interaction in a short poem.
This project revealed racials slurs that were present in the machine learning dataset that I was using. I decided to rewrite the code to reveal the bias in the algorithm by representing slurs with their mathematical representation.
This generator was built with word2vec, which has since been de-activated. Check out some poems below or read my process book.
Using word vectors, this poem generator prompted users to select a word to start a poem.
The word would be tied to a color. The user was then prompted to mix that word with another color, to see what new word was generated.