Week 4 Shifts and Routines

September 7, 2021

The end of week 3 left me in limbo...Needed to sit and revisit why I'm here, what I'm trying to do...

Came back around to the work of Allison Parrish. I think it's the most interesting area of creative tech that I've encountered. There is something so unique and poetic going on there.

Project Seeds

  1. p5 teaching tool for debugging: Each of these sections of code has an error that is preventing the sketch from running. Turn them off until the code runs with no error. Work through the code, section by section. Mini missions. Using the tool to teach how to better use the tool.
  2. Revisit your instagram feed designer. https://editor.p5js.org/bethfileti/sketches/6Oah7brNI

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